
I was enough, or so I believed. My safe place: Whispers confessed, Blessed Boundaries pushed Desires revealed Comfortable in my skin, With you at my side It all lay bared. Invincible; Nothing to hide. You have the capacity to betray Don’t we all? Accidental reveal… Was admission inevitable? Are closets locked tighter? Preemptive or one-off?…

Eleven minutes to freedom…

“I’ve met a man and fallen in love with him. I allowed myself to fall in love for one simple reason: I’m not expecting something to come of it… I realize that I didn’t go [there] by chance; really important meetings are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other. These meetings…

Moving forward

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to move forward while remaining true to who I am.  Regretting past mistakes has kept me in a loop; spinning in no particular direction. In recent attempts to define my boundaries, decisions I made with the best intentions have done nothing but cause pain.  Why do we…